
I’m Drew, and I make signs of all sorts. I have a small crew that pitches in for big jobs, just as I pitch in for theirs- we are all veterans and have combined efforts to better serve our market, our community, and our families.
Shop210Craftworks specializes in signs which are carved- they’re carved from wood, from high density foam, from PVC and even from cast acrylic.
Living where we do, making a sign for your business that lasts can be challenging. We’ve adopted our methods specifically for this environment and offer warranties for the jobs we do.
We can also laminate vinyl prints to acrylic for backlit signage, and have so with great success. An alternative is available which is printing with UV cured ink on the reverse side of clear acrylic for backlit signs, and is something that dramatically increases it’s longevity. In addition to that we can do something which is exclusive to us, which is machine pocket and flood cast acrylic for an extreme duty product, and which won’t fade, while still allowing back lit function.
A product we use and love is King Color Core, which is widely known in this area as King Board or Star Board. It is an HDPE plastic and this variety comes in multiple colors, allowing machining to reveal another color while engraving your logo or information. This product is the most extremely durable product we (or anyone) can offer. It will literally not crack, peel, or fade- and though you ‘can’ break it you better pack a picnic and bring heavy equipment with that intent in mind. This material and the products we make from it are the top choice for signage on or near the oceanfront.
We like to meld materials together, and leverage technology. Now I know this may sound crazy, but making a sign that appears one way in the daylight and completely different at night has it’s advantages depending on your requirements. Not only that, during the day you may want a sign that is carved and demonstrating something directly related to your product if not your product itself, yet at night and without front lighting (which may or may not be permissible via local codes in your area) you lose your advantage at night. This is where a hybrid sign would be a great choice- you get your day look, and then you still get a nicely illuminated sign at night.
An aside and to demonstrate the care and attention to detail, we also make Built In Cabinets/Bookshelves. These often meld items more likened to the retail outlet’s offerings over on DrewsWoodCraft (DWC) [ DWC-Shop210Craftworks, retail located at https://www.drewswoodcraft.com].
We’re here for commercial signage, and we’re here to offer you what you need at reasonable prices and with outstanding quality. Give us a shot and join the ranks of many already satisfied customers!
Thank you for your interest!